How to Get Rid of Neck Wrinkles

Wrinkles, especially around the neck become more noticeable with age. The main cause of neck wrinkles is the break down the collagen and elastin, which naturally keep the skin firm and tight. Having sagging neck skin and wrinkles can make you look and feel older than you. Neck wrinkles are often the most neglected of skin concerns as compared to the rest of the face.

Since the skin on the neck is much thinner than the rest of the face it tends to sag a lot more making obvious the neck wrinkles. Therefore it is better to give equal if not more attention to your neck when you do you face.

how to get rid of neck wrinkles

One of the major causes of neck wrinkles is aging. As you get older the skin looses it youthful supple elastic state and support and appears as sagging bands around the neck. Another wrinkle cause is losing weight at a sudden rate, since our body fat is distributed evenly, when you suddenly lose weight it does affect the neck region. The loss of fat abruptly makes it hang down making wrinkles on the neck. Improper care of your skin and over exposure to the sun are other reasons for neck wrinkles.


Tips to Get Rid of Wrinkles on Neck

The best way to prevent neck wrinkles is to take better care of your skin especially around your neck. Here are some wrinkle free skin care tips and remedies that you can follow to get rid of neck wrinkles naturally.

1. Regular Exfoliation

Exfoliate your skin around neck once a week to remove all the dead skin cells from the neck and chest area. Exfoliating helps to speed up the skin cell turnover process, there by softens fine lines and wrinkles on neck.

2. Keep Your Neck Skin Moisturized

neck wrinkles

Most of the time when we take anti ageing precautions, whether it is through toning or moisturizers we tend to neglect the neck region. Keep your neck skin hydrated and moisturized to plump it up and get rid of the wrinkles. Use a moisturizing cream on a regular basis on your neck as your neck needs it as much as any other part of your face to prevent wrinkles.

3. Apply Sunscreen

Both UVA and UVB rays can damage your skin. Apply sunscreen on your skin to protect it from the sun's UV rays. Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen (UVA and UVB protection) generously to all sun exposed areas, particularly your face, neck, ears and hands every time you go outdoors.

4. Apply Neck Firming Cream

When you use an anti wrinkles cream for your face at night make sure that you apply it on your neck all round. Do not apply ordinary anti aging cream to your neck as this may be too heavy for the light and delicate skin around the neck area, and may drag and pull the skin. You could also look for a rejuvenating skin cream specially designed for the neck, apply and leave it overnight. Apply the neck cream with light upwards strokes towards the chin using both hands. Do not pull or drag your skin.

 5. Improve your Diet

how to get rid of neck wrinkles naturally

A proper diet with the required vitamins and lots of water intake will help to keep your skin looking fresh and healthy. Take more foods rich in antioxidant and essential fatty acids. Supplement your diet with anti aging supplements rich in Omega 3, vitamin E and C.

6. Adopt the Right Posture

Walk tall and straight and do not allow your head looking down making your neck to settle in wrinkles. Do not hang your head or keep your chin touching your chest because that could lead to permanent creases in your neck.

7. Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent wrinkles. Make sure your pillow has the right height  that is enough to provide support to your neck. This will minimize the chances of getting deep wrinkles on neck.

8.Avoid Smoking

Smoking accelerates the natural aging process of your skin.  is essential for reducing wrinkles on skin. Tobacco smoke damages collagen, discolors your skin, including the neck skin. One of the best ways to get rid of wrinkles is to quit smoking.

9. Apply Neck Firming Masks

Facial masks are also a good way to remove the dead skin and make the skin tighter and smooth and are good for neck wrinkles treatment. Therefore do not neglect your neck when you apply a facial mask on your face.

 Fresh Papaya and Banana Mask

 how to remove neck wrinkles

A mixture of fresh papaya and banana can be applied to the neck and face as a firming mask.

You Will Need

  • 1/4  of a ripe papaya
  • 1/2 of a ripe banana

What You Have To Do

  • Combine the fruits in a food processor or blender and puree until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Spread a thick layer of the mixture onto your clean skin and leave it on for 45 minutes.
  • Rinse your skin with cool, clean water and wash with a gentle cleanser 
  • Apply your regular moisturizer if you use one.

How Often You Should Do This

This home remedy can be repeated daily as long as it doesn't cause any irritation.

Following the above tips and remedies will help you improve the look of your neck. In dire cases you could go for laser treatments or surgery but these should be done only in consultation with a professional dermatologist.

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