How to Prevent Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are set-in streaks that develop on your thighs, butt, hips, and breasts. They frequently appear after your skin rapidly stretches or contracts. The lower belly has purple streaks covering the white skin. Pregnant women frequently experience them, particularly in the last trimester. Although stretch marks don't hurt or pose a health risk, some people dislike the way they make their skin look.

There are different ways to prevent stretch marks the natural way.  Some of these natural remedies include exercise, change of diet, keeping the skin hydrated, applying moisturizers and wearing proper clothing.  When done properly and dutifully, you will be sure to prevent that appearance of these unsightly stretch marks.

Natural Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks

In this article, you will have skin care tips and natural ways in preventing and getting rid of stretch marks. It is important for you to read intently to find out how these natural treatments work. You also need to have the proper discipline so that you will get the results you want.

Proper Diet

foods to prevent stretch marks

One important factor in the prevention of stretch marks is to have a healthy diet.  You should eat foods that are rich in vitamins because they help in promoting healthy skin.  Moreover, include foods rich in zinc, omega 3, fatty acids and silica in your diet.  These food sources promote production of collagen and help maintain the skin’s elasticity.  On the other hand, you should cut off your soda and caffeine intake and stop smoking because these dry out the skin.

Water Therapy

Stretch marks are more common in skin that is dry and less elastic, so staying hydrated with plain water every day is essential. Water helps keep your skin stay soft, so you're less likely to develop stretch marks. It improves skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of stretch marks. 

Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day keeps the skin hydrated and speeds up the healing of stretch marks.


One major cause of stretch mark is fluctuating weight.  Sudden weight gain and weight loss stretches and contracts the skin resulting to unsightly stretch marks.  Exercise makes the body fit which leads to a healthy skin and body.  It makes the skin elastic but more importantly, it prevents weight fluctuations, therefore stretch marks are less likely to occur.


Dry skin is at a higher risk in developing stretch marks.  To keep this from happening, you should see to it that your skin is always moisturized.  The best moisturizers are cocoa butter, vitamin e, and Aloe Vera gel.

These penetrate deep into the skin keeping it elastic and healing scarred tissues that may cause stretch marks.  You can also apply aroma oil or essential oil on your body.  Moisturizers can be used as often as needed especially after every bath.

Adequate Sleep

avoid stretch marks

Sleeping promotes healthy skin because during this time, the cells and tissues naturally repair themselves.  To prevent your body from having stretch marks, you should sleep 7 to 8 hours every night.  In addition to that, have cotton sheets instead of polyester fabric since cotton sheets allow the skin to breathe better.

Proper Clothing

Wearing comfortable clothing is an essential step  in order to prevent stretch marks.  Tight clothing puts pressure on the skin and leaves abrasions that eventually develop into stretch marks.  Your bra and underwear must fit correctly and it must not be very tight.  In addition to that, make sure that you do not scratch your skin when putting on your bra.

Things to Avoid to Prevent Stretch Marks

prevent stretch marks

Avoid Sun Exposure

One of the things that you should keep away from to prevent the appearance of stretch marks is extreme exposure to the sun. This dries out and discolors the skin. Existing scars and marks may become more visible with sun exposure. It also increases the risk of skin cancer significantly. When going out in the sun, use an effective sunscreen.

Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine can dehydrate you and increase your risk of developing stretch marks when you drink beverages like coffee. Caffeine-containing beverages should be avoided because they may increase your risk of stretch marks and aren't the healthiest beverage options during pregnancy.

Avoid Scratching

Another thing that you should avoid is scratching your skin.  This causes abrasions which develop into stretch marks. You can reduce itchiness by moisturizing your stretch marks and surrounding skin.

Follow these tips to prevent stretch marks the natural way.  You no longer need to spend on costly procedures.  You just have to make a few changes in your daily routine to keep your skin flawless.

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